PhiBrows Microblading
This Is Your Time!

PhiBrows Microblading is a manual, semi-permanent technique of hyper-realistic eyebrow drawing in which the shape of eyebrows is calculated according to facial morphology and golden proportion (phi 1,618). The technique is intended for anyone over the age of 18 who wants to correct the aesthetic problems of their eyebrows. People suffering from hair loss through over plucking, ageing, alopecia or trichotillomania benefit greatly from PhiBrows.
The results last approximately 1-2 years depending on different factors like clients skin type, chemicals within creams and beauty products, they can fade and break down the pigment sooner, or other environmental factors such as sun exposure.
A colour boost is recommended once a year to retain the shape and freshen up the colour of your brows. However, if you wish to change your shape or colour, we can do this for you meaning that you have complete flexibility over your appearance.
A thorough consultation is needed before we carry out any PhiBrow treatments.
*If you are on any medication, have an ongoing medical condition, are pregnant or trying to become pregnant please let us know before booking any skin treatments.
Why Choose Phi Brows Microblading?
There are multiple benefits to choosing PhiBrow Microblading, such as:
- Individual hairstrokes to fill and shape the patchy, uneven brow area to give a 100% natural, symmetrical healthy look to the brow
- No need to draw on your eyebrows each morning, improves self confidence
- Can be used to cover previous tattoo brows to create a more natural, softer look
Treatment Costs
The consultation appointment will include the completion of paperwork, perform an allergy test and brow shape to see which suits your face shape best.
The consultation appointment will include the completion of paperwork, perform an allergy test and brow shape to see which suits your face shape best.
Microblade Brow Treatment
This treatment is split into two appointments. Step one is performed 3-5 days after your consultation and step 2 will be done 6-8 weeks later.
Colour Boost Top Up
Within 1 Year – £110
1-2 Years – £170
Over 2 Years – £220

Book Your Treatment
Interested in booking in for one of our treatments?
Call 028 7930 0322 or click below to be directed to our online booking system.
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Interested in booking in for one of our treatments?
Call 02879300322 or click below to be directed to our booking system.